Thank You, Jesus, for experiencing such pain so we could be forgiven.
I cannot think of more heart-wrenching words. Since eternity翻譯社 Jesus had been in perfect fellowship with God the Father. Together they had created the universe翻譯社 had fashioned mankind in their image, and planned salvation. Never in the eons past had they not been in total fellowship with each other.
“My God,” He said, “my God翻譯社 why have you forsaken me?”
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2. 英文廣播女聲讀經時,請點 Read: 浏覽: 馬太福音27章32-50節 (Matthew 27:32–50),新視窗有經文
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4. 全年讀經進度英文Bible in a Year: 請點 2 Chronicles 13–14; John 12:1–26 主動打開一個新視窗Biblegateway.com含經文,再點喇叭會開起廣播視窗,請點▶️最先播音
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“Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?” Jesus cried out in agony and in utter despondency as He hung on that cross of shame on Golgotha (Matthew 27:45–46).
It was the only way. Only through this time of interrupted fellowship could our salvation be provided for. And it was only because Jesus was willing to experience this sense of being forsaken on the cross that we humans can gain fellowship with God.
The loud, sorrowful cry pierced the dark afternoon air. I imagine it drowning out the sound of mourning from friends and loved ones gathered at Jesus’s feet. It must have overwhelmed the moans of the dying criminals who flanked Jesus on both sides. And surely startled all who heard it.
And now翻譯社 as the anguish of the cross continued to bring devastating pain on Jesus—He for the first time lost the awareness of God’s presence as He carried the burden of the sins of the world.
Jesus, we again stand in awe at Your sacrifice. We kneel in Your presence and with gratitude acknowledge what You did for us on the cross. Thank You for making it possible to have fellowship with the Father forever.
1. https://tw.voicetube.com/ (看影片學英文)
2.【英語教室】 逐日說英文
3.【屬靈爭戰】 異夢與異象 (屬靈設備)
4.【經典故事】青年聖經講座 - 但以理書(八)70個7 陳希曾博士主講
5. 《靈命日糧-網路廣播odb.org》點選日期,點開網路廣播: 或選其他說話英文 或 中文 Traditional-odb.org (請點擊進入保持)
6‧ 英文經文廣播Biblegateway.com: 用滑鼠點 Read: 選英王欽定版(King James Version)(用滑鼠點貫穿連接翻譯社收聽請 按喇叭符號)
8. 【 內涵糊口 】 內涵生活 第一章 淩晨的光陰 慕安得烈作 劉秀慧牧師譯
9. https://traditional-odb.org/2018/05/31/關係中斷/
Interrupted Fellowship
My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? Matthew 27:46
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